
Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to make your own Chick-hatching Easter {DEVILED} eggs

Happy Easter Sunday everyone. I hope you have a beautiful day! I will be spending my day growing spiritually, enjoying time with family and of course devouring a delicious feast. One of my favorite recipes for Easter is for deviled eggs turned chick! I have a super easy recipe to share with you that is fun and fast.
Want to make it even faster? Boil or bake your eggs the night before.
If you aren't a fan of boiling eggs... try this fast mess free tip! They will turn out perfect every time.
Place eggs in a cupcake tin, and bake in a 325 degree oven for 30 minutes. Let cool, store in the refrigerator until you need them. Peel and enjoy!
Recipe- 8 Deviled chick eggs- See pictures below for process
Recipe Source: Emmy in her Element
8 eggs, hard boiled or baked (see above). Peel and cut 1/3 of the top off the egg.
8 egg yolks from boiled eggs
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp. light mayo (Best Foods is my favorite)
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon paprika
pinch of sugar (this helps balance the salty tangy flavors)
1/3 teaspoon white vinegar
pinch of onion powder
{chick embellishments}
1 can chopped black olives
2 small carrots
Cut the top third of the egg off and add yolks to a bowl. Now turn the egg over and make a very small cut (1/4 inch in thickness or less) of the bottom of the egg, as to help it stand on the plate without tipping over. Keep this small piece of egg to add to the top of your chick heads.
Place hollow eggs on a plate surrounded with spinach.
Mix yolks and all ingredients in a bowl. Use mixer to whip together if you want a very smooth consistency. Add filling into a piping bag with a star tip. Pipe deviled mixture into eggs making a circular motion at the top.
For the embellishments, use olives and carrots for the beak. Just slice a few pieces into a triangle shape. Now place the extra bottom pieces of egg that you cut off on the tops to look like the eggs are hatching. Voilà! All finished. Store in the fridge and chill until ready to serve.



If you want to skip the chick look and go for something a little more "adult"... here is another option! Do everything the same and leave out the embellishment part. They look beautiful!
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