
Monday, November 24, 2014

DIY Christmas Burlap banner

Normally Christmas does not make any kind of appearance until after Thanksgiving at our house. This year? I broke the rules! I couldn't help it, the Christmas spirit got a hold of me early and up the tree went. I have enjoyed it's cozy glow every evening for two weeks now.
I am not much into cluttery décor, this year especially I have cut back and simplified everything.
I do not have a pretty mantle to decorate so instead a made this quick, easy and beautiful burlap banner to hang from my headboard. I love the simple hint of Christmas it adds.
I am going to show you how I did it so you can make one too. Wouldn't this be fun to hand out to friends?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chicken and lemon broccoli alfredo

Dear friends, as you have probably noticed I have been away for a few weeks! Oh my goodness between all of our family birthdays in October, a new photography class, Halloween, trunk or treat party planning and setting up for the holidays I have sadly missed out on one of my favorite things, posting creations and sharing with you.
A few weeks ago on my Instagram account I made a goal to cook dinner every night for an entire week. The goal also included making meals we had never tried before (since I tend to make the same ol' thing over and over). Luckily with your encouragement each day I was able to keep this goal with the exception of one day! I am really excited to share one of my favorite and most interesting combination of flavor dishes with you. It is healthy, fast and surprisingly delicious!
On another note, if you would like to see my second blog I created to share pictures I have taken since I started my photography class, go here. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Grandma's Best Chili


Fact of life: Any recipe starting with the word "Grandma's" is always sure to be tasty. Grandmas are like little treasures that hold the secrets to a happy tummy. They just have a magic hand for making comfort food that is classic and always tastes delicious!
Here is my little spin on my Grandma's Best Chili. I hope you like it, especially for a crisp cold fall evening. You can simmer it in a crockpot for hours, so it makes for a perfect no-fuss party food!