
Monday, March 30, 2015

DIY Easter daffodil kids craft

This morning my little man woke up with a cough, so we cancelled our busy day and stayed home. He still has lots of energy so I thought it would be really fun to make some Easter crafts. We started out with some paper daffodils, and we had so much fun. We wanted to show you how, so you can make some too!
DIY Easter daffodils
Source: Emmy in her Element
Yellow paper
Elmer's and hot glue
Mini cupcake paper liners
popsicle sticks or sucker sticks
paper cup
green felt or paper for leaves
green paint for flower stems
Cut a daffodil with 5 petals out of yellow paper. With a drop of Elmer's glue, stick a mini paper liner in the center of the flower.
Paint the stem of the flower green (popsicle or sucker stick)
Add some glue onto your paper cup, wrap yarn around the cup and tuck in the end to make a pretty vase.
When "stems" are dry, use hot glue to attach the flower top to the stem. Add leaves if desired.

 Benson had so much fun making the flowers special by drawing circles on the petals and adding extra leaves to the stems.
This was a fun craft and will make a pretty centerpiece on the table for Easter Sunday!

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1 comment:

  1. So beautiful and simple to follow. Love this DIY daffodil craft. Cann't wait to try one.
