
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Succulent Shrimp Scampi at home

Have you ever seen this at the grocery store?
Well next time you go, you better be grabbing a pack because oh have I got a recipe for you.
I use this pack of scampi mix, but I don't fallow the directions on the back... rebel, I know.
Here's what I did instead, for a rich and creamy shrimp linguini dinner.
NOTE: If you are afraid of butter you need to click away now. This recipe is not for the faint of heart. It is loaded with delicious flavor and you know what that means... butter and cream.
Every once in a while I have to splurge and go for the good stuff.
Tonight was dinner for two so all of my measurements need doubled if you are serving 4 or more guests.
I started with about 8 oz of linguini. Make sure to add salt to your water to help pre-flavor the pasta. Turn that baby up to high and get it boiling.
I didn't have any fresh shrimp but I love Kirkland Brand (Costco's) Raw frozen shrimp. You can set it out to thaw or if you're in a hurry, toss it in the microwave on low defrost. I like to buy the raw as opposed to pre cooked because If you re-cook shrimp and overcook it, it gets very tough and rubbery. Raw only takes a few minutes to cook anyway.
I used about 20 shrimp for the two of us. (He got 13 I got 7 yep... I love him)

Next up, pull out your biggest fry pan.
Melt 1/4 cup of butter in the pan, and add 1/2 teaspoon olive oil.
Then add about 1/2-3/4 packet of scampi mix.
(full packet if serving 4 or more)

Add your shrimp.

Make sure to spread out the shrimp so it cooks quickly and evenly.
Don't be afraid of cooking shrimp... its easy and here is how you tell if it's done...
See how most of the shrimp is pink but the center is still gray and translucent?
That means it still needs a minute or two...

 Ok now, all of the shrimp are pink and white all the way through, and they are as curled up as can be.
Turn your heat to low, we are almost done.

Next, while heat is on low add 1/2 cup heavy cream. This will make for a rich and creamy garlic sauce... a perfect topping for your pasta.

Next you will want to add a little bit of cornstarch to your cream sauce to help thicken it. DONT LEAVE THIS STEP OUT! All you have to do is mix a teaspoon or so cornstarch in a little bit of water and pour a very small amount of it in your sauce while whisking. As soon as you see it thicken, remove the pan from the heat.

If your kitchen smells like Red Lobster, you're doing it right :) MMMMmmm
By now your pasta will be done, pull it off the heat as well. Drain it and add a small tab of butter and give it a good stir.
Add it to a plate and top it with your delicious sauce and shrimp. I added a side of garlic toast to mine as well.

YUMMY! This meal easily takes less than 30 minutes to whip up and it is sure to please.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we did :)
Note: This meal is Gluten Free as long as you use Gluten Free Linguini noodles (and omit the garlic bread of course)
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