
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Chewy and puffy GLUTEN FREE chocolate chip cookies.

If you have ever tried going gluten free, you know that without gluten in baked goods, they can turn out grainy and dry with an odd texture. Gluten provides chewiness in breads and goodies so its tough to find a gluten free recipe that compares.
 My Mom was diagnosed with celiac disease 3 years ago (her guest post here) and since then she has put in a lot of hard work and study to find recipes that are as close to the real thing (with gluten) as possible. She drove over to my house late last night to share a few of these warm and chewy chocolate chip cookies with me.
As I sat in her dark car and took a bite of this new experiment, she waited anxiously to hear what I thought of them. To my great surprise, these little delights are chewy, puffy, moist and full of great texture and flavor. These are not words that you would normally use in the same breath as a gluten free cookie. If you or someone you know is going gluten free or has celiac disease, you have got to make them a plate of these cookies. I guarantee you will get a big hug because they probably haven't had a treat like this is a while!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Homemade Apple Blossoms and my favorite pie dough recipe

I am so excited to share this "sculptural" recipe with you. It is a product of pure experimentation in the kitchen, mixing my passions for baking and artistry. I thought it would be so fun to make something a little different than the traditional turnovers, although we love those too as you can see HERE.
These apple blossoms are so fun to make for a family breakfast or a delicious dessert. This is also a great recipe to make with your kids! If the apple blooms "blossom" open in the oven, no worries that is part of what makes them fun!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Strawberry-Orange Yogurt Muffins

Strawberries were on sale at Costco this week and I couldn't help myself... even though I knew deep down I wouldn't be able to eat the entire package before they expired, I bought them anyway. I figured it would force me to get a little creative and use them, instead of tossing what we couldn't finish. Sure enough, I stumbled upon this delicious recipe over at Baked Perfection for strawberry muffins. I really liked the recipe the first time I made it, but I had an idea that I thought would put it over the top... adding the orange. Did you know that strawberry and orange together make magic? Well its true... and this recipe proves it.
Recipe: Strawberry-orange yogurt muffins
Recipe from Emmy in her Element Adapted from Baked Perfection
Makes 12 muffins
2 eggs
2/3 cup white sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cups vanilla Greek yogurt
1/8 cup fresh orange juice
1 1/2 teaspoons orange zest
1 1/2 cups diced strawberries

 Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Pre grease muffin tin with pam or use muffin liners.
In a medium bowl mix together, eggs, sugar vegetable oil. yogurt, orange juice, vanilla, and zest.
Combine flour, soda, salt and cinnamon and add slowly to wet ingredients mixing just until incorporated. Fold in strawberries. Scoop into muffin tins until filled and bake for 18-20 minutes or until muffins have popped up and are golden brown on top. Let cool and serve within 24 hours or freeze in a ziplock when cooled to room temperature.

Be sure to enjoy these muffins within 24 hours as the strawberries soften significantly after baking. These work great to make ahead and freeze if you don't need them until later!

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